AmorA “Magic” love: If He again finds his she and reintegrates her into him, inter-manning her by Magic Love, A-Mor, he has returned her eternity to her from within Himself, providing her with an ontological reality that was lacking when she broke away from the Egg of HE-SHE, receding into the distance and falling lower and lower. He rediscovered or found her within himself in the Self, the Selbst. And only now, transmuted again into Androgyne, Total-Man, is he prepared to find the Divine Woman outside his own Self, to find She, who in her turn seeks to reintegrate her he after having lost him in the sky of SHE-HE. And they then love one another with the Love without love in the Divine Comedy of A-MOR with Two Androgynes, Absolute Man and Woman. And they will be Two Stars, Two Suns, Two Vimanas, moving immobile ‘beyond the stars.’ Two Warriors who have triumphed.